
Masternodes and OTON ecosystem delegates

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Eteri Dmitrieva
Специалист в области международных отношений, блокчейн-евангелист, биохакер

How to make profit on improving ecosystem security

Find out about the features of the blockchain of ecosystem.

The network on the blockchain is decentralized, that  means, no one controls it and no one can influence it. But the nodes are not equal to each other in their capabilities.

Powerful masternodes, fully synchronized with the blockchain, provide increased anonymity and high transaction speed.

To start a masternode, you need to make a fixed deposit with network tokens.

The owner of such a node receives a reward for each transaction.

At the webinar, you will find out who the Delegates are, how they participate in ensuring the operation and security of the distributed network, the development of the blockchain project.

Discover the new source of passive income in the OTON ecosystem “without leaving your home”!

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