
easybizzi LIFE. English. 29.07.2019

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Eteri Dmitrieva
Специалист в области международных отношений, блокчейн-евангелист, биохакер

Eteri Dmitrieva personally report about all updates, projects and the most notable events of the community.

Invitations to events from TOP community leaders.

Speakers presentation.

Additional motivation and impact from founders of #easybizzi.

Only at live broadcast of easybizzi Life will you be able to ask in person Eteri Dmitrieva and all other speakers.

Live emotions, announces and discussions of community life – it all is available for everyone every Wednesday!


Remember  that subscription, likes and comments in YouTube and other social networks is not just a million pluses to your karma, but a guarantee of you being first to learn about every updates and news!

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