“Up to 98% of all we think, say and do is controlled by our Subconscious” (Dr. Bruce Lipton) In this webinar we will look at the importance of our subconcious mind in our lifes and for our businesses, how identify the subconscious beliefs that rule and control our lifes and create our reality and results. This webinar is about the crucial importance of our subconcious belief system and internal coherence in our life and for success of our business, how to identify our mental blockages and internal conflicts created by our self limiting beliefs and how to substitute them for empowering beliefs that support what we want or need, in order to achieve more coherence, clearity, internal security and flow. We’ll see 3 simple and practical methods to test beliefs at a subconscious level and a direct, easy and effective method to reprogram subconscious mind in an effective, quick and sustainable way.